There is one simple thing you can do to significantly increase your chances of getting the price you want in the timeframe you require. It all comes down to...
This is the simple mechanics that tyre specialists use on your wheels. Facial symmetry is one thing that will significantly increase the chances of being defined as more 'beautiful'. The thing an aeroplane needs to ensure a safe flight and something that photographers use for creating a simple and spectacular photographs.Consider your own home by asking these questions
- Is you centre piece on your coffee table in the absolute centre or your two candles aligned with the thirds.
- Does your colour scheme show fluidly throughout your living room or is one side 'burnt orange heavy' and the other a bit more 'oatmealy' and less dramatic.
- Are your agents photographs straight?
- Is the key point of reference in the centre of the photographs therefore balance on both the left and right. (Watch out for the dreaded 'toy corner' on one side of each photograph)
- Think about creating balanced areas kerbside too - matching pots & flowers to each side of your front door
- Perhaps your dining table is pushed to one side of the room consider bringing it more central
Brains love balance and your buyers feel much more relaxed in a home that feels more balanced and symmetrical leading to making a much easier decision on whether to offer on your home.
This is just the tip of a very large iceberg, and there are some brilliant ways of creating balance in your home right now. Each of my carefully selected clients benefit from attention to detail like this.
"Build the right foundations to reap the biggest rewards!" - Victoria Green Vmove
Hope you found my mini blog useful, why not share with a friend who is struggling selling their home. After all Sharing is Caring!
Until next time
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